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Photo du rédacteurphuc tran

I don’t need life I’m high on drugs shirt

I’m not sure Kavanaugh will matter at all in the I don’t need life I’m high on drugs shirt but Republican pros who’ve been confidently asserting that confirming the least-popular SCOTUS pick on record despite a cloud of sexual assault and perjury will help them are high on their own supply. I’m helping teach a film class for high schoolers in downtown Cincinnati. Very impressed with the kids. One of them said he was into film noir. I said, What do you like? expecting maybe blade runner. He rattled off a list of maybe 12 real noirs from the 40s and 50s. He’s 14. Kids, if you’re gonna do drugs… listen to music while you’re high. It’s really the best. Oh, and make grilled cheese sandwiches in a buttery pan on the stove. Holy shit, I’m gonna get high and some make grilled cheese sandwiches right now.

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