I remember when the Grinch Schnauzers make me happy you not so much sweater way to get Loki (the terrible) to eat was to toss his kibble across the floor so he could chase it down and kill it himself. I started the same thing with my puppy poodle. 13 years later, that was the only way she would eat — every night I sat on the floor and hand fed her. My Maltese Lola will not eat from her bowel. So I put a handful of food beside her bowl. She will eat it. I have tried several types of bowls. This looks just like my Mitzy, my little schnauzer puppy looked like this, still miss her. The other day Remy literally tried to get in the food container and start eating. No Goldilocks schnauzer here. Sweet for a day or two to accustom them to the kibble but not sensible for a dog.
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